Monday, November 18, 2013

Cambodia around the web

Pol Pot survivor Chum Mey with author Steve Mariotti

Want to learn more about Cambodia, its history, culture and people? Come along and hear me speak about my new book, "Destination Cambodia," at Cronulla Library:

Walter Mason - Author Talk

When: 6:30PM, 19 Nov 2013

Where: Cronulla Library 38-60 Croydon Street, Cronulla,

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Curating Cambodia November 2013

A roundup of interesting things Cambodian from the www:

Ruins along the Thai-Cambodian border

If you want to know more about Cambodia I am giving a talk about my  new book, Destination Cambodia, on Saturday November 16 at Katoomba Library. It is a free event, starting 2pm, and I would love to see you there.